My Geekness all on one gadget

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Sorry Jessica Biel

Well I was going to write a post about the celebrity exempt list. You know the 5 celebrities you can have a fling with and not get in trouble. So I asked Wendy to make her list to go with mine and she named guys that visit the dental office she works at.

So that ended that. And that ends this post.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

I'm In An Abusive Relationship With George Lucas

The Star Wars movies in 3D, sounds like a great idea. That is until I started to think about it. Each movie is going to be released one at a time and presumably costing 10 bucks a person. How many times are you going to smack the crap out of me until I learn that you don’t care about me George Lucas?

Let’s take a look back shall we; I bought the first trilogy on VHS. Then the Special Editions came out and I so was amped to see them in the theater I even ignored the fact that Greedo shot first in the new version. I then bought them on VHS as well.

Next, the prequels were announced! Holy bleep, George is making the prequels! We get to see Anakin become Darth Vader. Instead we got Little Ani. I’m not going into how bad the prequels were instead here is Patton Oswalt doing it for me. The language is very salty so listen at your own risk.

After that, the all of the movies came out on DVD and I wanted the first three movies on disc. But of course I needed the whole set so I bought three more movies that I don’t really care about.

Lucas is going to release the movies on Blu-ray next year in two different box sets for each trilogy. Amazon does not have a price listed yet but I’m sure they will dent my bank account.

In 2012, The Phantom Menace will be released to theatres in 3D. Then Attack of the Clones and so on and so on. How much is enough?

Will I go see them? Yes I will. Will I hate myself for going? Yes again. So it seems not matter what George does, I will keep going back to him and he will keep abusing me. He doesn’t care about us the fans. He only cares about what he can do with the technology.

Have you seen Casablanca turned in 3D? The Godfather movies have not been updated or Special Editioned.

Can you please leave well enough alone? Please for the love of Jabba, just leave them alone. I will go to my grave thinking then Han shot first.