My Geekness all on one gadget

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Onion Goggles Are Badass!

My sister-in-law Carrie introduced Wendy and me to one of the greatest inventions ever; the Onion Goggles! They are used to keep your eyes from tearing up while chopping onions. And they look super cool. Here is a picture of my niece Ava wearing them.

We loved them so much that Carrie gave Wendy a pair for Christmas. Even though they are Wendy's, she "lets" me chop the onions so I can use them. The one drawback is now Jordan thinks that if he isn't wearing the goggles, he can't look at onions without his eyes burning. Even if a chef is chopping them on TV he turns away and screams. It's awesome! You can't not look cool while wearing them as Jordan shows us here.

I have a huge man-crush on Nathan Fillion. Not only do I not deny it, I celebrate it proudly! Granted, Wendy is a bit creeped out by this but it isn't really the strangest thing she has to deal with when it comes to my nerdliness. Because of this bromance, I picked up the first season of Castle on DVD and began watching it. When I reach the third episode, look who is wearing the Onion Goggles!

After I saw this, all I could think was "Holy crap, Nathan Fillion is as cool as my family!" True story.


  1. I love Onion Goggles and Nathan Fillion!! We must be related or something

  2. How cool is Nathan Fillion?! I love everything he does.
