My Geekness all on one gadget

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Oh Bleep

So this happened to me today: I'm removing some fire alarm stuff for a remodel in a church and I’m working up in the attic. I needed to look behind an alcove to see where the wires were going, so I climbed up on to what I thought some framing and a shelf that was built to house the HVAC ducts. I took one step and turned on my flashlight.

That’s when I fell through the attic. One moment I was standing what I thought was plywood and the next I fell through what turned out to be really dirty and dusty sheetrock. Lucky for me, the HVAC ducts and the soffit were there to catch my fall. A fall that was only about three feet.

Now, those of you that know me really well would think that this kind of thing happens to me all the time but in truth, I have never fallen through an attic, ceiling or anything else of the kind. So it was a little scary.

Now, I’m not going to say how things totally slowed down Matrix style because they didn’t. It happened so fast I couldn’t even get a “oh shit” out. And I’m very quick with my swearing. It really was: I'm tall, now I'm in straddling this AC duct.

The best thing about all of this is that no one saw it. I was already filthy from working and I didn’t hurt myself and wasn't bleeding so nobody knows. I needed to change my underwear but no long term damage. Well, my pride maybe but that has taken so many hits it’s almost bulletproof.

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