My Geekness all on one gadget

Saturday, January 12, 2013

The Conversation I Am Dreading With My Ten Year Old

I can see myself sitting on the couch, banging away on the keyboard writing weird Joey stuff, with my headphones on listening to music. Jordan would see me and being the naturally curious boy that he is, he would tap on my shoulder. “What are you listening to?” Now, those of you that know me really well will say that I have terrible music tastes.  I would be inclined to agree but despite that, I have no problems talking about it.

“I am listening to Winger.”

“Winger? That’s a weird name.”

“Yeah, that’s true but there is a reason for it.” A quick Google Image search later and I show Jordan a bunch of pictures. “This is Kip Winger. He is the singer and the band is named after him.”

 “Oh…why is his shirt off in all the pictures?”

Ah, the 80’s. How do you explain the 80’s to a kid? You don’t, you punt instead. “That’s a good question; you are full of good questions.” I would then put my headphones back on and get back to writing. However, knowing Jordan this would not be the end of it.

“Can I listen too?” While it’s all well and good that I listen to this stuff but how, as a guy trying to be a responsible father, can I subject him to it?

“No, no you can’t”

“Well, why not?”

“Because Winger is small part of a larger grab bag of things from the 80’s that should just die with my generation.  I know you don’t understand right now but you will later when your kids ask you about Ke$ha.”

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