My Geekness all on one gadget

Monday, May 9, 2011

Disney Vacation Day One

Our first day of our trip involved me flying. I know it doesn’t say anything good about me that Jordan, an eight year old, flies better than I do. On the plus side, I’m not a bother to anybody while in the air; unless snoring counts. Funny side story about buying the tickets: Wendy asked me whether I wanted an isle or window seat. I told her that a window would be better so people would not have to climb over my inert body. Then she asked where on the plane I would like to sit. I turned, looked at her and said “I’m going to be unconscious, duct tape me to the wing for all I care.”

So we land and now I’m feeling better about being on the ground. That was unit we got on the shuttle to the hotel. Do you remember Bill Murray’s Scrooged, the scene where he is in a taxi driven by Buster Poindexter? That was would have been less scary than what we had to endure. I’m so glad that the Xanax hadn’t completely left my system.

We are going to be here for basically five days so we decided not to hit the parks until tomorrow, Tuesday. Instead, we went to Downtown Disney and walked into all the shops and places designed to take our cash. I bought a cool Mickey Sorcerer’s Apprentice hat (it lights up!) and a gift or two for some friends.

We got back to the hotel and hit the pool. Our room wasn’t ready yet so our luggage was still being held in the secret squirrel hidey hole. No swim shorts for any of us. Jordan, did I mention that he is eight, is getting so antsy that Wendy had to go and get our bags out of deep freeze and find some swimming apparel for him. We played in the pool for a bit while Wendy turned a pretty pink color.

Finally, we went back into Downtown Disney to get some brick oven pizza at Naples. There they had, the only thing that I could call them, balloon artists. We saw them make a Little Mermaid, Pluto and other stuff that I don’t even know what there were suppose to be. The margarita pizza was fantastic!

Our day started three in the morning and we made it to about eight PM befor hitting the wall. Not bad all and all. Tomorrow I will be wearing a pedometer to see just how relaxing this vacation really is.

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