My Geekness all on one gadget

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Happy Mother's Day

It’s Mother’s Day again I want to acknowledge three special ladies in my life. No, not Mariska Hargitay, Olivia Munn and Jessica Biel. While special, they are disqualified to be in this post because of the multiple restraining orders. On a side note, I was able to spell Mariska Hargitay’s name right the first time and that in of its self is bit disturbing considering I can’t spell anything. Seriously, I still need to look at my drivers’ license to spell my middle name.

First there is my Mom. What can I say; I caused her 147 hours of painful labor, ran around with her breast pump on my forehead (that might have been my brother but for this post let us just assume it was me) and was, you know, me. She took Tony and me to a bazillion soccer practices and games, most of which she watch through her fingers covering her eyes as her kids ran with reckless abandon into other kids, goal posts and anything else within reach, usually head first.

Mom was there to share the great times, talk me through the terrible times and always seems to be at the top of the standings in fantasy baseball. My Mom gave the inspiration to be the person that I have become which I think is…pretty cool.

Sandie, my Step-Mom, has been in my life for about 27 years (this is how old she claims to be and being a gentleman I have never questioned but it does seem weird that she turns 27 on EVERY birthday) which means that she has been around for as long as I remember.

Since I have had an amazing child enter my life, I find myself feeling the need to apologize to all the parents that have been responsible in helping me along the way. By the way, every single one of my ‘rents have laughed their hinnies off at these phone calls. And I am starting to understand the unique difficulties of being a step parent. Now I have Jordan half the time, while Sandie only had us for two day every other weekend. I can only imagine the challenges that caused in trying to be an influence over Tony and me. Still, looking back she did a great job.

Lady number three is Wendy Glem (that is how I met her waaaaaaaaaay back in the day). Quick Joey tangent here: I still giggle at random times thinking about how I’m with Wendy Glem. OK’ I’m back. I have been living with Wendy for over a year now and watching her with Jordan has been the most incredible journey I have been a part of.

Her patience and unbelievable understanding continue to inspire me every day. She works so hard to make sure that Jordan doesn’t want for anything. No matter how difficult any given situation is, I have not once heard Wendy raise her voice. The fact that Jordan is great kid is a direct testament to Wendy and her steady parenting.

Wendy and I, plus most of her friends and my family, joke that she is raising two boys. In a real sense she is, giving the fact that I’m still very new to this parenthood thing and she needs to nudge me along sometimes.

So happy Mother’s Day Mom, Sandie and Wendy! I love you all and thank you for being a huge a part on my life.

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