My Geekness all on one gadget

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

If You Don't Die, Get Your Ass Down To The Couch

Last Saturday around 3:46 in the AM we lost power. I remember the time vividly because I almost died.

I woke up still very groggy to notice that the window fan was off. I remember thinking that it was weird that the fan wasn’t going. Wendy ALWAYS has the fan on. Always. OK, whatever.

Why is Wendy’s Zune so loud through her pillow speaker? Is that Michael Buble? Wait, why it is so quiet in here. It’s too quite.

*Gasp* So, I start to think *gasp* that something is *gasp* wrong *gasp.

Holy crap! I’m choking! I rip off my CPAP mask and take a big breath. For those of you that don’t know, a CPAP is a machine that pushes air through a six foot tube into a mask over my nose into my throat to help my sleep apnea.

Wendy looks over and said, “I was wondering how long it would take.”

“How long it would take for what?! For me to choke to death?”

“No," she said exasperated. "How long it would take for you to notice you couldn’t get any air."

It’s about this time that my sleepy brain puts it all together; “Baby, did we lose power?”

“Figured it out did you?” So that mystery was solved. Without power my CPAP doesn’t work very well. Without my CPAP, I get banished to the couch to snore away so Wendy can sleep.

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