My Geekness all on one gadget

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Future Gamers of America

I feel a little like the Tobacco companies right now. You know, hook the next generation and all. Well I got my insidious gamer habits into Jordan. His Mom and Dad are not gamers, I know weird right? Anyway, it's up to me to fry his not yet fully developed brain. I'm always up for a challenge.

He got a Wii for Christmas last year, but now has got a huge man (boy?) crush on my xbox 360. Can't blame the little guy, it is very cool. He loves all the peripherals that I have for the machine.

He even has is own gamer tag.

To be fair, Wendy has gotten into the gaming a bit as well. But she is too busy doing the things she loves more (cooking, cleaning and the like). I know I'm going to pay for that last comment, but it was just too funny not to use. Sorry babe.

Damn, I'm good. I have been with these two for a few months now and they are hooked. Microsoft owes me a huge "thank you".

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